2024 Mellon-Fronteridades Faculty Fellowship

The proposal submission period has concluded. We appreciate all participants who submitted proposals. We invite you to stay up to date with Confluencenter for upcoming events and funding opportunities.

Confluencenter calls for graduate and faculty to apply for a Fronteridades Fellowship.

The Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry

invites UArizona faculty working on interdisciplinary research projects that broaden and deepen our understanding of the narratives, experiences, knowledges, histories, performances, spaces, and heritages that shape and are shaped by the U.S.-Mexico borderlands to apply for the 2024 Mellon-Fronteridades Faculty Fellowship.

Mellon-Fronteridades Faculty Fellowship

The Mellon-Fronteridades Faculty Fellowship program is part of the Fronteridades Border Scholars initiative funded by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. The program aims to foster and promote individual UArizona faculty scholarship and creative activities and advance the mission of the UArizona Border Lab to position UArizona as a global leader in border research and learning.

Research Project Requirements

The proposed research project must be:

  1. Interdisciplinary
  2. Focused on the U.S.-Mexico border
  3. Humanities-centered

Projects should create new ways to understand border dynamics in Arizona-Sonora communities through exploring, analyzing, and elevating this region's lived experiences and cultural resources.

The proposal should include at least one discernible scholarly product that advances scholarship and/or teaching and learning related to the Arizona-Sonora border.

Examples of scholarly products include books or book chapters in peer-reviewed texts, articles for publication in peer-reviewed journals, interdisciplinary border research programs, the development of interdisciplinary virtual/multi-modal curriculum, the development of a border-focused degree program, the creation of a collaborative border researcher community and/or network, and/or the creation of a cohesive set of innovative digital tools/methodology for border research and/or teaching.

Ultimately, the proposed project should have a positive impact on Arizona-Sonora border communities.

Faculty Fellowship Details

The Mellon-Fronteridades Faculty Fellowship program offers a one-time $20,000 award for individual applicants. Applicants should propose activities that can be completed within the 2024 Spring semester. Before preparing a proposal, applicants should familiarize themselves with the Confluencenter's mission and vision, the UArizona Border Lab initiative's mission (see About the Border Lab below), and the Fronteridades project's goals.


Individual UArizona faculty conducting interdisciplinary border research in the Humanities, Humanistic Social Sciences, the Arts, and/or other related fields can apply for the Mellon-Fronteridades Faculty Fellowships. The program is open to individual tenured, tenure-track, career track, and research track (e.g., research scientists) faculty at UArizona. Candidates must be eligible to work in the United States

How to Apply

Applicants should submit their proposals through the online portal found here. The application submission deadline is November 26, 2023, at 12:00 midnight MST.

In the online submission portal, applicants will be asked to provide the following materials.

  1. Project Summary (250 words max)

    This concise overview (abstract) of the proposed project should be understandable to a lay audience and appropriate for posting on the Confluencenter website.

  2. Project Narrative (Up to 6 pages, 12 pt font, double spaced)

    In language accessible to non-specialist readers, describe the specific interdisciplinary, border-focused research project for which funding is being sought. The narrative should accomplish the following:

    • Provide a general project overview and a clear timetable for completion that covers the duration of the award (January – June 2024). In other words, explain how the proposed project will enrich scholarship on the borderlands' history, culture, art, context, and experience in ways that expand, challenge or transcend existing disciplinary frameworks and boundaries. Additionally, explain the stages of project completion during the grant period and the resulting product and/or outcome. This overview should identify which of the following Border Lab goals your proposal aligns with:
      • Research: innovative research products/activities/initiatives (e.g., corpus, digital research tools, researcher networks, etc.) that build on and elevate the university's community of border researchers and relationships between the university and the borderlands community.
      • Pedagogy: interdisciplinary, multi-modal border curriculum and pedagogical materials that integrate impactful learning opportunities into the university's course offerings.
      • Creative Activity: A cohesive set of creative products, activities, and events that center the experience, narratives, and representations of borderland communities.
    • Describe the theoretical framework and methodology.
    • Indicate whether the project requires Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval and/or a memorandum of understanding/agreement (MOU, MOA) or other formal agreement to conduct your research.
    • Explain how this project builds on the applicant's previous work/research and how it will contribute to long-term goals if the proposed work represents measurable outcomes for a phase of a larger project.
    • Describe the tangible creative or research outcomes and/or products resulting from funding.
    • Provide a statement of Contributions to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion.
    • Provide a statement of your plan to advance the mission of the UArizona's Border Lab (see mission statement at the end of this document). Explain how this approach will foster interdisciplinary knowledge and enrich, strengthen, bolster, unify and/or transform UArizona's border research and teaching communities, partnerships, networks, activities, and/or learning opportunities at the broader institutional level.
    • Be uploaded as a Word or PDF file using the naming convention: “Faculty Last Name_First Name_ProjectNarrative_2024.”

  3. Abbreviated Curriculum Vitae (2 pages maximum)

    CVs should note any scholarly or creative achievements pertinent to the project. Upload a Word or PDF file including your CV using the naming convention: “Faculty Last Name_First Name_CurriculumVitae_2024.”

  4. Budget

    Using Confluencenter’s budget template, applicants must include a budget for project expenses not exceeding $20,000. However, if the project costs exceed $20,000, the budget should identify the additional funding. Matching funds are not required for this grant. Upload the Excel file including your budget using the naming convention: “Faculty Last Name_First Name_Budget_2024.”

    Note: Funds cannot be used for food, digital archives, one-off conferences, undergraduate tuition or scholarships, financial aid, or study abroad opportunities

    The budget should include a budget justification. Please use the template provided to explain all expenses so that reviewers can understand how specific budget requests will support proposed activities. Upload the Word file including your budget justification using the naming convention: “Faculty Last Name_First Name_BudgetJustification_2024.”

  5. A letter of support from the chair or department/unit head

    Please only submit one letter of support. Upload the PDF file using the naming convention: “Faculty Last Name_First Name_SupportLetter_2024.”

  6. A sample of past scholarly products (e.g., publication, film)

    Upload a Word or PDF file using the naming convention: “Faculty Last Name_First Name_WorkSample_2024.”

  7. Supplemental Materials (optional)

    The review committee will accept supplemental materials if they are essential for understanding a project, but the project narrative should stand on its own. Please compile materials with an audio, visual, or moving image component into a Word or PDF file or provide links to an audio/video hosting serving account. Upload the file using the naming convention: “Faculty Last Name_First Name_SupplementalMaterial_2024.”

Applications for the Mellon-Fronteridades Faculty Fellowship program will be evaluated by a selection committee composed of UArizona faculty. We encourage candidates who are currently or previously active in border-related work, represent diverse backgrounds/minoritized groups and/or have lived experience in the borderlands to apply. Neither CCI nor the selection committee discriminates on the basis of age, gender, race, ethnicity, physical disability, marital status, sexual orientation, religion, citizenship or immigration status, or political affiliation.

All candidates will be notified by email of their award status by December 2023. The award will be disbursed in January 2024.

During the grant period and afterward, fellows may be asked to present their outcomes at one of the Confluencenter's events. Events may involve preparing written materials, visuals, or videos created and distributed for a popular audience or web-based tools to communicate research in engaging ways to 4 the public. In addition, the Confluencenter requires that you share publicity and event information with the Confluencenter's team. Finally, Confluencenter staff may contact award recipients on an ongoing basis for updates on outcomes. The Confluencenter will publish recipients' names and projects on the Confluencenter website and social media accounts.

An exit interview with Confluencenter director Dr. Javier Duran, as well as final report, must be completed and submitted through the online submission portal within 30 days after completion. The final report should summarize the objectives and results of project activities and note any publications, performances or external funding awarded as a result of the project. Recipients who receive external funding for projects initially supported by the Faculty Fellowship program should include this information in the report. All projects must be completed by June 30, 2024.

Successful award recipients should acknowledge the Confluencenter’s support in any publications made possible by the Confluencenter Mellon-Fronteridades Graduate Fellowships, and display the Confluencenter and Fronteridades logos in any project-related publicity.

Important Dates

Date Description
Application Due Date: November 26, 2023, at 12:00 midnight MST
Anticipating Award Notification Date: By December 2023
Project Implementation Date: January 1 through June 30, 2024
Final Report Due Date: 30 days after the project’s completion

Please contact Hiram Peña with any general application questions at hirampena@arizona.edu


The Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry at the University of Arizona is a campus-wide research institute that unites three large and robust areas – arts, humanities, and social sciences – as a point of intersection for inquiry across all disciplines. CCI is a Consortium of Humanities Centers & Institutes member and has held a seat on its international board since 2014.

Fronteridades: Nurturing Collaborative Intersections in the U.S.-Mexico Borderlands, sponsored by The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, seeks to promote and define an intersectional space where borders (fronteras) and humanities (humanidades) collide, coexist, and give rise to Fronteridades [fronteras + humanidades].


The Border Lab, an initiative of the UArizona Strategic Plan, seeks to partner with local and global communities to develop innovative, adaptive learners and disruptive problem solvers creating impactful research and community learning opportunities for UArizona and non-UArizona students. In addition, it aims to position UArizona as a top destination for students and faculty pursuing border- related scholarships in global, binational, and regional contexts. The Border Lab builds on years of successful interdisciplinary border research and teaching across campus