Fall 2018
Confronting Ourselves
November 5, 2018

Explores the challenging themes of race, gender, and grief as a means of understanding the world and ourselves.
- “White Immunity” – Nolan Cabrera, University of Arizona College of Education, Snowflakes
- “Gently Dismantling the Patriarchy” – Martin Krafft, Elena Makansi, and Lucas Himes, University of Arizona School of Art
- “Grief As Healing” – Robin Reineke, University of Arizona Southwest Center, and Colibrí Center for Human Rights
See, Hear, Smell, Touch, Taste
October 8, 2018

Spanning virtual reality and animatronics, urban agriculture and arid lands.
- Sam Rodriguez, University of Arizona School of Art
- Elizabeth Sparks, University of Arizona Cooperative Extension and Tucson Village Farm
- Sandra Bernal, University of Arizona Arid Lands Resource Sciences
Ideas In Place
September 10, 2018

An exploration of creative cities, environmental entrepreneurship, and the idea of freedom in Africa.
- Hai Ren, University of Arizona Department of East Asian Studies
- Aashwin Naidu, University of Arizona School of Natural Resources and the Environment
- Phyllis Taoua, University of Arizona Department of French and Italian.
Shared Heritage in Bounding Spaces
March 20, 2018

Come hear the On the Edge Innovation Farm Working Group talk about how borders – of any kind at any time – create tensions that reflect division – or cooperation – among human beings.
On the Edge: Expressions of Shared Heritages throughout Bounding Spaces – Luis Coronado Guel, Stacie Widdifield, Jeffrey Banister, Cristina Urias, Scott Whiteford, William Beezley and Janet Sturman
Borderland Movements, Community, and Identity in Americas
January 23, 2018

Come hear the Transfrontera Innovation Farm Working Group talk about how international borders manifest materially and symbolically in our everyday lives.
Transfrontera: movement, community, & identity in the Americas – Anita Elizabeth Huizar-Hernandez, Michelle Tellez, Maurice Rafael Magana, Lillian Gorman