Show & Tell 2016

2016 show and tell banner

Fall 2016

“Historical Narratives”

November 16, 2016


Art and commentary on presidential controversies

Presenter: Alfred J. Quiroz

UA Art professor Alfred J. Quiroz shows select works of his art not included in his Current University of Arizona Museum of Art Show. Quiroz will discuss his sensational, satirical and meticulously-researched paintings in an interactive conversation with attendees. Quiroz’s “The Presidential Series” exhibit depicts the immoralities of our elected leaders through the traditional grand scale of history painting, married with an undercurrent of comic and street art that begs close examination. The museums hosts the artist’s reception and catalogue signing on Nov. 17 at 5:30 p.m. The show runs through  Jan. 22, 2017.

Celluloid Pueblo

October 19, 2016


Presenter: Jennifer Jenkins

The invention of the Southwest of the imagination has its roots in film representations dating back to the 1930s, in large part due to the footage shot by Tucson-based Western Ways Features during its 40-year history. Jennifer L. Jenkins, UA English, and School of Information Associate professor, delves into the company’s work documenting the diverse lifeways of Arizona’s residents and screens rare footage in this made-for-Arizona-history-buffs presentation. This is the UA Press book release for Jenkins’ “Celluloid Pueblo: Western Ways Films and the Invention of the Postwar Southwest.”

How Can You Listen To That?

September 21, 2016


Narcocorridos and the notion of heroism in greater Mexico

Presenter: Juan Carlos Ramirez-Pimienta

Join us for an exploration into the origins and development of narcocorridos - from the 1920s to today  - and how they changed in the late 20th and 21st centuries. Juan Carlos Ramirez-Pimienta, San Diego State-Imperial Valley Spanish professor, examines what those changes say about Mexican culture, across both borders, and Mexico itself. As corridos and ballads are said to be narrative heroic songs, are modern narcocorridos heroic narrative songs?