Confluencenter Director Appointed as Board Member for Arizona-Mexico Commission

Sept. 8, 2023
Dr. Duran Headshot

We are delighted to share a significant development from our Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry. Dr. Javier Duran, a distinguished professor of Latin American and border studies at the University of Arizona and the dedicated director of the Confluencenter, has been honored with an appointment to serve on the Arizona Mexico Commission board.

In his new role, Dr. Duran proudly represents UArizona, standing alongside 25 other distinguished appointees from across Arizona, all dedicated to advocating for and advancing cross-border initiatives.

Dr. Duran brings to the board an impressive track record of over 25 years, deeply involved in border-related issues, interdisciplinary academia, and cross-institutional experiences. In addition to serving as the director of the Confluencenter for Creative Inquiry, Dr. Duran is co-principal investigator for several grant-funded programs related to border initiatives – notable among these are the Fronteridades and Reclaiming the Border Narrative programs.

Dr. Duran holds a Ph.D. in Hispanic Literatures from Spanish and Portuguese, an M.A. in Latin American Studies, and a B.S. in Plant Sciences from UArizona.

"The relationship between Arizona and Sonora seems to be reaching a highly positive level given some emerging and shared challenges connected to a more intersectional global arena. There is a rich mosaic of opportunities to amplify excellent work developed on both sides of our border. I am thrilled to have been appointed and excited for the opportunity to provide my expertise for the advancement of binational partnership”,  Dr. Duran added.

To learn more about this exciting news and Dr. Duran's contributions to the Arizona- Mexico Commission, please visit our website: www.