Florence Immigrant & Refugee Rights Project (AZ)

Triptych with photo of child with woman, boy in denim jacket, man in baseball cap pushing child on swing

Daniel Hernández, Florence Immigrant & Refugee Rights Project


Pathway to Freedom: Florence Project Client Stories 

The Florence Project is the largest provider of free legal and social services to detained immigrants in Arizona. It serves thousands of adults and children, both those who are threatened with deportation and those seeking asylum at the U.S.-Mexico border.  

In their project Pathway to Freedom: Florence Project Client Stories, people assisted by FIRRP share their migration narratives, reflecting on the hardships that led them to flee their countries, the challenges they endured in the U.S. immigration system, and their hopes and dreams for the future. 

Through written profiles, photography, and illustrations, the Florence Project presents its clients’ stories to honor their resilience while also exposing hard truths about injustices endured by immigrants seeking refuge in the U.S.

El Camino a la Libertad: Historias de Clientes del Proyecto Florence 

La misión de Florence Project es la de proporcionar servicios legales y sociales gratuitos para adultos y niños no acompañados que se encuentran detenidos y enfrentan procedimientos migratorios de remoción en Arizona, así como para quienes solicitan asilo en la frontera México-Estados Unidos.  

En “Camino a la Libertad,” los clientes de la organización comparten sus historias personales de migración, reflexionando sobre las dificultades que los llevaron a huir de sus países de origen, los obstáculos que presenta el sistema de inmigración estadounidense, y sus sueños y esperanzas para el futuro.

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